Country of Origin: Turkey

Group: Guardian Dogs (United Kennel Club).

Use today: Guardian, national dog of Turkey

Life Span: 12 to 15 years

Color: Cream to light tan to gray in a sable pattern with a black mask.

Coat: Short double coat, neither wavy nor fluffy.

Grooming: Brush weekly.

Height: 28 to 30 inches for females and 30 to 32 inches for males.

Weight: 90 to 110 pounds for females and 110 to 145 pounds for males. 

Shadow Wings Farm

email me
CH Doga Farm's Arkadas
His family in Turkey
Arkadas' Sire, Herkul (In Turkey.   (He won best Kangal category at the 2003 Kangal Dog Festival in Turkey)
Arkadas' Dam, Sultan, in Turkey:
Arkadas' Grandfather (His sire's sire), Tomi (Kocabas):
CH Doga Farms Arkadas Herkul - In Turkey (He won best Kangal category at the 2003 Kangal Dog Festival in Turkey) Tomi (Kocabas) - Turkey Zalim - Turkey
Lesi - Turkey
Afat - Turkey Zoro - Turkey
Sumbul - Turkey
Sultan - Turkey Imdat - Turkey Mayki - Turkey
Ucar - Turkey
Kontes - Turkey Karait - Turkey
Sam - Turkey
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