Coming soon!
Purebred Nubians:
1. CH *B Goldthwaite Prince Valient - HES July 2003 92.8. LA 90 2004. 5 Straight GCH wins and 1st place All American 1 st Place 3 year old buck. Sire: GCH ++B Dear-Hearts Omar - LA 90 EEE. Dam: GCH Goldthwaite Midnitn Montgomery 6*M 90- VEEE. Val is in the ADGA Sire Development Program. G6S Normal - Straws 5 for $200.
DNA testing on file with ADGA per Misty Acres Farm & Kennel 2004.
2. GCH +*B Goldthwaite Black Tie Affair - LA 90 EVE May 2003. Sire: +*B Goldthwaite Todos Tuxedo - LA 88 VEV. GCH Goldthwaite My Bonny Love 90 VEEE. G6S Normal - Straws 5 for $100. SOLD OUT!
DNA testing on file with ADGA per Misty Acres Farm & Kennel 2004.
3. *B Magic Dreams Sir Lancelot - S: CH*B Goldthwaite Prince Valient LA 90 Excellent VEE. SS: GCH++B Dear-Hearts "omar". SD: GCH Goldthwaite Midnitn Montgomery 90 VEEE. D: SG Nature-Trail Valentine's Oreo 90 Excellent - EEVE DS: Del-Mirage Aristocrat DD: Easy-Stream Valentine. Sir Lancelot produced some really nice kids for his first season this year 2005. G6S Normal. Introductory price of 5 straws for $50.
DNA testing on file with ADGA per Misty Acres Farm & Kennel 2004.
Val won 5 GCH and 4 BBIS at 5 straight shows. He is 1st Place Three Year Old All American buck for 2003. "He is a one in a million buck."
Oreo is an exceptional doe. She was LA assessed and got an E for EXCELLENT MAMMARY -Rear udder height 45, Rump angle, Fore udder, Dairyness & Stature all are 37. Rear udder arch 35. She is 3 this year and was put on milk test for the first time this year. She has milked exceptionally well. Production of Dam: 2 11, 304 - V - In Progress -3,340 - 140 -4.19 -126 - 3.77
4. Magic Dreams King Arthur - S: CH*B Goldthwaite Prince Valient LA 90 Excellent VEE. SS: GCH++B Dear-Hearts "Omar". SD: GCH Goldthwaite Midnitn Montgomery 90 VEEE. D: Nature-Trail Nature- Trail Arlene DS: Del-Mirage Aristocrat DD: Nature-Trail Affair. G6S Normal - Introduction: 5 straws for $75
DNA testing on file with ADGA per Misty Acres Farm & Kennel 2004.
We have photos of Arlene on our web site under King Arthur's page. She is absolutely stunning. She is a heavy milker and has a very, very nice udder. While with us, Arlene was a 10lb a day steady milker. We were not on milk test. We have her genetics will continue on for us through her son King Arthur.
5. CH Old*Glory Bolero's Ravel - HES 89.7 July 2003. LA 89 VVV 2004. Sire: ++*B GCH Wind Drift's Beau's Bolero. Dam: Anberwood Chancellor's Elise. Ravel has been producing nice daughters for us and will be proven up through them. Just take a look at Demeter on our web site. She is AWESOME !! Was told by judge this summer that Ravel "Looked great for a 7 year old. Heck he looks good enough to be a 2 year old." 5 straws $125.
6. Price O The Field Royal Silver - Sire: ++*B POTF Lizzie's Rex. Dam: CH POTF Lady Regina - Won first place udder at the Nationals for 5 consecutive years. This buck is line bred on Awesome - Best of the Best udders. We are pleased with his daughters that he produced this year 2005. Many will be shown by their new owner in Get Of Sire at the shows this year 2005. VERY NICE teat placement! G6S Normal - 5 straws for $200
DNA testing on file with ADGA per Misty Acres Farm & Kennel 2004.
7. +*B Prairie-Fire Voyager - Sire: GCH +*B Trillum-Trails Proud Venture. Dam: Prairie Fire Nova 3*M - Voyager's sire is GCH Trillium Trails Proud Venture who is linebred back on the Nat. Champion Trillium Trails Carmel Corn LA 93 EEEE! Voyager has produced many fine daughters. We own several and they can be seen on our web site under senior does. He has some GCH daughters and a several with GCH legs. He is full brother to +*B Prairie-Fire Enterprise sire of GCH Goldthwaite Lady Juliette 7*M. He has daughters & Grandaughters currently in the Goldthwaite herd. 5 straws for
8. *B Manges-Colony Pan Justice - Sire: GCH ++*B C/F Pan. Dam: GCH Manges-Colony Juliette 2M. Pan Justice has daughters taking BUIS in 2004. One of his sons can be seen on our web site - Mighty Herc. He is on Echo's page. G6S Normal - Straws 5 for $100.
9. Saada Ponderosa Paul - Sire Saada Blue Rondo A La Turk. Dam GCH Saada Fly'n O Jenuine Winner 5*M - LA 90 VEEE. Has GCH SAADA Lday Jamilla 6*M - LA 90 VEEE in pedigree. Lady Jamilla was 1st place 2 year old and 1 st udder at the 2002 National Show. She was 2nd place 4 year old and 2nd place udder at the 2004 National Show. Paul is a very flashy, tall, uphill, smoothly blended, spotted buck. Photo on my web site. His dam is a very long bodied, smoothly Blended doe. She has milked over 3,000 lbs on milk test. 5 Straws $75.
11. Crown-Hill NKS Dream Weaver - Sire: Crown-Hill KIS Kilroy. Dam: Apollonia's Keno Seri. 5 Straws for $75.
12. Kismet CXC Red Hot Chilipepper - LA 88 - 2 CH legs and 1 BBIS.
Sire: Little-Bic's Cinn-A-Man Design. Dam: Kismet CXC Hhantelle 6*M - $ DNA testing on file with ADGA per Misty Acres Farm & Kennel 2004.
7. +*B Prairie-Fire Voyager - Sire: GCH +*B Trillum-Trails Proud Venture. Dam: Prairie Fire Nova 3*M - Voyager's sire is GCH Trillium Trails Proud Venture who is linebred back on the Nat. Champion Trillium Trails Carmel Corn LA 93 EEEE! Voyager has produced many fine daughters. We own several and they can be seen on our web site under senior does. He has some GCH daughters and a several with GCH legs. He is full brother to +*B Prairie-Fire Enterprise sire of GCH Goldthwaite Lady Juliette 7*M. He has daughters & Grandaughters currently in the Goldthwaite herd. 5 straws for
8. *B Manges-Colony Pan Justice - Sire: GCH ++*B C/F Pan. Dam: GCH Manges-Colony Juliette 2M. Pan Justice has daughters taking BUIS in 2004. One of his sons can be seen on our web site - Mighty Herc. He is on Echo's page. G6S Normal - Straws 5 for $100.
9. Saada Ponderosa Paul - Sire Saada Blue Rondo A La Turk. Dam GCH Saada Fly'n O Jenuine Winner 5*M - LA 90 VEEE. Has GCH SAADA Lday Jamilla 6*M - LA 90 VEEE in pedigree. Lady Jamilla was 1st place 2 year old and 1 st udder at the 2002 National Show. She was 2nd place 4 year old and 2nd place udder at the 2004 National Show. Paul is a very flashy, tall, uphill, smoothly blended, spotted buck. Photo on my web site. His dam is a very long bodied, smoothly Blended doe. She has milked over 3,000 lbs on milk test. 5 Straws $75.
11. Crown-Hill NKS Dream Weaver - Sire: Crown-Hill KIS Kilroy. Dam: Apollonia's Keno Seri. 5 Straws for $75.
12. Kismet CXC Red Hot Chilipepper - LA 88 - 2 CH legs and 1 BBIS.
Sire: Little-Bic's Cinn-A-Man Design. Dam: Kismet CXC Hhantelle 6*M - $75 a straw.
13. *B Kismet CXC Camelot - Has 2 CH legs. Sire: ++*B Anberwood's Frosty Chancellor. D: GCH Kismet SO Cachet 6*M. $75 a straw. He throws milk and long, tall bodies.
15. Fra-Jac's J&T Top Gun - Sire +*B Fra Jac's A.G. Tyrone. D: Nestucca Jana Pearl BBK. $50 a straw.
16. Cream of Kansas FE Jambalaya - Sire: *B Kastdemur's Final Explosion. D: CH Cream of Kansas Royal Jambi. Jambalaya is an udder buck. He has many National Champions in his pedigree. He has 3 X Brown Sugars Crown Ambassador in his pedigree as well. 5 straws $125.
17. Crown-Hill Trail Mix - Sire: Crown Hill DBD Dream Machine. SS: +*B GCH E-B Brown's XJB Trailblaiser FS90/EEV 5-06. Dam: CH Crown Hill ATM Laurel. DS: +*B GCH e-B Brown's XJB Trailblaiser. - Straws $ 30 each.
18. *B Goldthwite JoJo- Sire: *B Goldthwaite Homar - LA 91 VEE. Dam: SGCH Goldthwaite Lady Johanna - 5 straws for $100. JoJo sired some of the best doe kids ever to been seen this spring 2005. He is an up and coming boy.
19.. H. Homestead Catringo - S: *B Wingwood Farm Blue Durango. D: CH H. Homestead Toi Catina. Catringo is a huge buck and the sire of H. Homesteads best doe. 5 straws $75
20. Old*Glory Hallelujah - S: *B GCH Patch Quilt Farm's D. Dodger. D: CH Dayspring Glory. Has 2 Ch legs. Improves udders. 5 straws $75.
Fullblood Boers:
1. Niko's Shadow Highest HES evaluated boer buck in the USA. South African Import from Botha Farms. $50 a straw.
2. Nero - New Zeland imported buck. Import . $25 a straw. SOLD OUT!
3. Star. Sire is Niko's Shadow. Star is a very correct, proven buck that produces very nice, correct kids. Kids have a lot of size and weight on them. Can e-mail pictures of Star. 5 straws $175.
4. Texas Ranger. Sire is Niko's Shadow. Ranger is a very correct, proven buck that produces very nice, correct kids. His kida are large as well. Current photos of Ranger are on the web site. 5 straws for $175.
5. Atlas - Sire is The Doe maker. Atlas produces kids like freight trains. 5 straws for $175.