Country of Origin: Turkey
Group: Guardian Dogs (United Kennel Club).
Use today: Guardian, national dog of Turkey
Life Span: 12 to 15 years
Color: Cream to light tan to gray in a sable pattern with a black mask.
Coat: Short double coat, neither wavy nor fluffy.
Grooming: Brush weekly.
Height: 28 to 30 inches for females and 30 to 32 inches for males.
Weight: 90 to 110 pounds for females and 110 to 145 pounds for males.

Misty Acres Canan |
Safak |
Duman Dozer - (Very Good Hips) |
Ejder II - Best Young Dog at Kangal Festival in 2001 |
Ejder |
Seytan |
Ceylan |
Sisman's Duman I - Bred by Abhurrahmann Sisman in Kangal |
Filiz - Bred by Turhan Kangal. Owned by Ahmet Gokay in Kangal |
Ballak - Bred By Turhan Kangal |
Cali Filiz - Bred By Turhan Kangal. Owned by Ahmet Gokay in Kangal |
Filiz - Turkey (Very Good Hips) Bred by Turhan Kangal - Owned by Ahmet Gokay |
Balak - Bred by Turhan Kangal |
Aslan I |
Tarzan - The famous Tarzen from Mehmet in Kangal |
Sumbel |
Cali Filiz - Bred by Turhan Kangal. Owned by Ahmet Gokay in Kangal |
Kartal |
Filiz 1 |
CH Yasemin of Misty Acres |
Efe - Sivas, Turkey (FCI Rated Very Good Hips) |
Ucar - Sivas, Turkey |
Comar - Sivas, Turkey |
Kara - Sivas, Turkey |
Yaman - Sivas, Turkey |
Keles - Sivas, Turkey |
Yildiz - Sivas, Turkey |
Damla - Germany (FCI Rated Very Good Hips |
Kahraman - Sivas, Turkey |
Talip - Sivas, Turkey |
Duman - Sivas, Turkey |
Laika - Sivas, Turkey |
Boz - Sivas, Turkey |
Sirin - Sivas, Turkey |
Pedigree generated by
I can't believe a week has passed already since the puppies were born. The first few days I feel like I'm on autopilot, making sure Canan is waited on hand and foot, my heart filled with concern because I can imagine that birthing all those puppies had to take so much out of her. I'm constantly observing every puppy to make sure that they are nursing properly and getting their tummies filled so that they can grow...weighing them to make sure the numbers confirm what the eyes see.
The first few days, she was basically wiped out and as each our passed, the puppies became more demanding, having figured out how to quell the rumblings in their tummies by finding mama. The pictures that I took during that first week, and the ones that I take in the weeks to come will give an idea of the things I'm looking for, the things I notice, and usually they have some sort of meaning to me.
For example, during the first week, the picture where I commented on how puffy their tummies were looking was because I need to see that to know that they're getting enough milk. The pictures of headlocks and of them laying all over each other is because I know that they find comfort in each other and help to keep each other warm...especially those first few days when they are unable to regulate their body heat themselves.
The puppies eyes are closed, their ears are closed and it's amazing to watch them navigate, somehow finding their mama through smell alone. There are some puppies who aren't very vocal, who navigate with an obvious purpose, looking and finding their mama. There are some puppies who are more vocal, who cry until they find her. Most times these navigations take only a matter of seconds but I can't help but observe nature and how it survives.
I'll admit, that the puppies who whine and cry until they find Canan are the ones I frequently assist :) . I try not to handle the puppies too much the first few weeks because it stresses the mamas...they are accutely in tune with each and every puppy. So when I feel the need to assist, I keep it simple and direct, telling Canan the whole time that they are her puppies as I lay them up to her. I step back, she relaxes and everyone is at peace.
It bears mentioning that I'm already bonding with the puppies...visually learning to pick them out by sight, not really knowing what their temperment and personality will be yet, but starting to get to know them a little bit as they operate on this very simple level of nursing and sleeping. There are a few who grip my heart...I don't know why, but they do. It always happens in a litter. You love them all, but there are a few for one reason or another that grip the heart forever. You never forget about them and remember these early days, wondering who they grow up to be. There are a few who, when I observe them, they fill me with awe. I can't quite explain that either...they just do. So, between gripping my heart and filling me with awe, that tends to encompass a litter lol.
This next week will be much of the same...nursing and sleeping, but towards the end of the week their eyes will start to open and that's when we love getting down on the floor, trying to get them to look at us so that we can 'introduce' ourselves to them...wanting them to get to know us because in a few short weeks, our caretaking responsibilities will increase dramatically. As the mama starts to wean the pups a little in the weeks ahead, I'll be supplementing them, transitioning them from stricly mama's milk to real food. There is so much that will go into what we'll be doing in the weeks ahead so I'll save it for that time as it unfolds...
For now however, I'll share a few pictures of their 1 week birthday.
Oh, and the concern of those first few days? It's started to subside a little as they prove that they are strong Kangal puppies, born from lines who have survived many generations...long before these pups were an apple in Canan's eye.
Canan taking a potty break, stopping for a few moments to sit and listen to my oldest son play guitar.
p.s. My youngest daughter just saw that I had put this picture online. She's asked me to give her proper credit for taking this picture...
*photo captured by Madison*
I think it's absolutely hysterical how the puppy's tails will stick straight out at times when they're nursing. I think it's because they're pushing with their back legs to nudge forward closer to Canan, but it's so funny to see those tails straight out, wagging a little bit as they nurse.
I couldn't help but notice that even at a week old, that little guy is developing some beautiful thigh muscles.
Don't let this little guy fool ya...he's not camera shy at all. He just wants to cuddle and bury his head like he does with his siblings!
Although still a little early yet, in a few short days the puppy's eyes will begin to open and a whole new world will appear to them. Like I wrote above, this is when the bonding really begins for us, as well as the puppies. You can't look a pup in the eyes and not fall hopelessly in love with him or her.
I'm noticing that their faces are starting to change a little bit...transforming from that newborn puppy face, to a face that begins to show some of the unique characteristics that each puppy will have.
They're all all Kangals, they're all the same age, but as you can see there are subtle differences in their faces that begin to disguish one from the next.
I love when these changes start to emerge.
Some Kangals have a natural, very serious look, even when they're relaxed and happy. This little guy makes me laugh when I look at his face because he already has a look that says so much without any words.
Spooning...Kangal style.
Peekaboo...we seeeeeeeeeeee you!
The puppies opened their eyes on Saturday. I've been busy introducing myself to each and every puppy!
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