This whole past week I've been spending more time with the puppies, letting them 'free range' more...running outside in the grass, experiencing the glorious feeling of running free. The looks on their faces, their body language says it all...there's something that fuels their soul as their boundries are broadened as they slowly mature. They have a long way to go before they'll be an "adult Kangal", but even at 8 weeks the taste of freedom that they've watched their aunts and uncles operate under these past few weeks is exhilarating to them.
Today, the day that marks the 8th week exactly from the day they were born, they went on a 'field trip' to my vet's office. My son volunteered to sit back in the bed of the truck with all of the pups and they absolutely loved their first ride. As I pulled into the parking lot of the vet's office, I backed into the parking space right infront of her door. Getting all these Kangal puppies into her office was no small feat so I wanted to be as close to the doors as I could get...
As I got out of the truck and looked in the back of the truck I couldn't help but burst out laughing. There were *my* babies (they still are MY babies, even if it's only for a few more days), with their paws on the top of the side of the truck bed, heads peeking over the sides, one right after another. Their tails were wagging faster than a New York minute and all of a sudden a crowd began to gather around my truck. People I didn't know and had never met before began to mourn the fact that they didn't have their camera in hand. They stood in wonder as they looked at the faces of these happy Kangal puppies, wondering what incredibly beautiful breed of dog they were.
My heart filled with pride because I love this litter and I love this breed and my babies did me proud this morning. Of course, I behaved like a proper chaperone and excused ourselves as my son and I whisked the puppies into the vet's office.
Whisking them into the office and whisking them into their exam room were 2 different things though. My son is a big young man so he's able to carry a puppy in each arm while I would carry just one. We'd deposit 3 puppies on the floor of the exam room and begin to close the door when 3 puppies would escape out of the exam room door, back into the waiting room.
We'd pick up the 3 puppies, deposit them into the exam room floor again and attempt to close the door a little quicker. 3 puppies would escape out of the exam room door before we could get it totally closed.
I realized fairly quickly that a phone call was necessary to "Houston" because we definitely had a problem.
3 puppies in...3 puppies out. 3 puppies in...3 puppies out. Finally my son went into the exam room to the opposite site of that room and of course the 3 puppies followed. He quickly ran to the door before the puppies could figure it out and we finally were successful in closing the door that included 3 puppies inside.
Back to the truck we went to gather 3 more puppies, hoping to increase the number in the exam room to 6. We opened the door to deposit the second batch of 3 puppies, when the first batch ran as fast as they could back out to the waiting room. We set the 2nd batch of 3 puppies down on the exam room floor so that we could gather the first batch of 3 puppies, when they fled the exam room too.
We now had 6 puppies happily running around the waiting room floor and I made a desperate attempt to maintain my composure and offer a feeble attempt to appear totally in control. :)
Finally, I whispered to my son, "this isn't going to work" and he agreed. Thankfully he came up with a brilliant idea...he would pretend to be the Pied Piper and skip back into the exam room, somehow convincing the puppies that the exam room was SO MUCH more fun than the waiting room! and you know what? It worked! He got them to follow him to the exam room where he sat on the floor which is something the puppies absolutely love! They rushed him and started covering him with slobbery kisses and inbetween wagging tails he looked at me as if to say, "hurry up and get the rest of the crew!" lolol...
I quickly went back to the truck and one by one brought the rest of the puppies in so that they could rush him also as he sat on the floor. Finally, the last puppy was safe and sound in the exam room and I watched as they scurried around, looking for something to mess with. The vet is a little smarter though (lol) and her exam rooms are homey yet puppy proof...well, all except for the trash can that they promptly overturned on the floor.
They did their obligatory piddles on the floor which I quickly cleaned up and all of a sudden the most amazing and surprising thing happened! They found a 'toy' that they could all play with, all at the same time. They growled at each other, tugged with each other, rolled around and wrestled with each other as they played with this 'toy'...
Who'd have ever thought that a dog leash would be so entertaining to a puppy?
Thankfully, the vet was running a few minutes behind...there's alot of things she had to get together before she examined so many puppies. By the time she walked in, the puppies had played themselves out and were angelically and miraculously laying quietly on the floor...some sleeping, some contentedly relaxed. I, at least, was able to give a wonderful first impression...what a wonderful lady with such well behaved pups!
The puppies have promised to never breathe a word otherwise.
They all passed their physicals with flying colors...their weights were recorded, they were checked from head to toe and I had the great pleasure of sharing with her the special place that each puppy would be going to that would be their final, 'forever' home. She would smile as I would share these special placed and at one point she looked at me and asked, "are you going to miss them?"...
I immediately choked up and before I could even answer her she replied, "I can see you're really bonded to them".
Bonded doesn't even begin to describe it. I was there as they entered this world, and I'll be the one that will hand them over to their new families who will love them and know them far better than I have been able to these past 8 weeks. This is a huge responsibility I undertake with each litter...not only for the families who adopt them, but to each puppy individually. I'm really going to miss them, and I don't want to talk much about that lol but God truly is good because I know this batch of puppies has been loved and wanted for many weeks now. Their new families are so excited to meet their new puppies and that helps make the hard part of letting them go, easier.
I can't wait for them to walk this journey with their Kangal Dog.