What a week! I sure hope I don't have to revisit this past week anytime soon.
The days and nights were filled with puppies growing, grinding chicken, curing about 80lbs of homemade bacon...puppies growing, grinding chicken, making about 75lbs of breakfast sausage.
Puppies growing, grinding chicken, and picking up imported puppies from Turkey...puppies growing, grinding chicken, power outages from storms and refresher courses on how to operate a home via a generator.
In case you were wondering, it's not easy to grind chicken without power. :)
Puppies growing, grinding chicken, power back on, moving dogs from one pasture to another to ease Lokum up closer to the house because SHE has the nerve to be almost ready to deliver her puppies! lol
Puppies growing, grinding chicken, papa Thor escaping from one pasture into another and me spending all day trying to figure out how he did it. I still haven't quite figured it out, although I have my suspicions and he's now in a completely different pasture lol.
Puppies growing, grinding chicken and realizing that I'm really getting tired of seeing chicken, touching chicken and grinding chicken lol. The thing that keeps me going is that the puppies really are growing so beautifully! They're happy, they're sweet and they're getting to be alot of fun.
Puppies growing, grinding chicken AGAIN and listening to them all rush to the side of their Xpen screaming "WHERE'S OUR BREAKFAST!!!!"...."WHERE'S OUR LUNCH!!!!"..."WHERE'S OUR DINNER!!!!"..."WHERE'S OUR MIDNIGHT SNACK!!!!".
Yanno kiddos? I really do have a life...or had one till y'all were born lolol.
And THEN, I finally find some time in the middle of all this chaos to sit down at the computer and update the website. I somehow find myself on the "Week 3" page and as I look at the pictures I posted of the puppies back then I start to feel a little sad as I realize the time they will have with me is beginning to wind down.
They're growing so quickly and MY time with them is flying by. I'm already getting a little emotional, finding myself wanting to spend more time with them one on one because soon they will go to their new homes when their new families will love them forever.
For now I think I'm just going to focus on the moment as I listen to them wrestle and play. Their tummies are full and they are having one last HURRAH! for the day before they fall asleep for the night and continue to grow.
Tomorrow's a new day and I can count on looking forward to...
Puppies growing, grinding chicken. That's all I can count on for sure lol...the rest of the day, if it continues like the rest of this week has, will be full of unexpected and at times, unwanted surprises lol.