Country of Origin: Turkey
Group: Guardian Dogs (United Kennel Club).
Use today: Guardian, national dog of Turkey
Life Span: 12 to 15 years
Color: Cream to light tan to gray in a sable pattern with a black mask.
Coat: Short double coat, neither wavy nor fluffy.
Grooming: Brush weekly.
Height: 28 to 30 inches for females and 30 to 32 inches for males.
Weight: 90 to 110 pounds for females and 110 to 145 pounds for males.

Misty Acres Canan |
Safak |
Duman Dozer - (Very Good Hips) |
Ejder II - Best Young Dog at Kangal Festival in 2001 |
Ejder |
Seytan |
Ceylan |
Sisman's Duman I - Bred by Abhurrahmann Sisman in Kangal |
Filiz - Bred by Turhan Kangal. Owned by Ahmet Gokay in Kangal |
Ballak - Bred By Turhan Kangal |
Cali Filiz - Bred By Turhan Kangal. Owned by Ahmet Gokay in Kangal |
Filiz - Turkey (Very Good Hips) Bred by Turhan Kangal - Owned by Ahmet Gokay |
Balak - Bred by Turhan Kangal |
Aslan I |
Tarzan - The famous Tarzen from Mehmet in Kangal |
Sumbel |
Cali Filiz - Bred by Turhan Kangal. Owned by Ahmet Gokay in Kangal |
Kartal |
Filiz 1 |
CH Yasemin of Misty Acres |
Efe - Sivas, Turkey (FCI Rated Very Good Hips) |
Ucar - Sivas, Turkey |
Comar - Sivas, Turkey |
Kara - Sivas, Turkey |
Yaman - Sivas, Turkey |
Keles - Sivas, Turkey |
Yildiz - Sivas, Turkey |
Damla - Germany (FCI Rated Very Good Hips |
Kahraman - Sivas, Turkey |
Talip - Sivas, Turkey |
Duman - Sivas, Turkey |
Laika - Sivas, Turkey |
Boz - Sivas, Turkey |
Sirin - Sivas, Turkey |
Pedigree generated by
You have no idea how much I have longed to get online and begin to write as we go into the 3rd week of the puppy's lives.
The puppies began to open their eyes on Saturday. My daughter came running out with a puppy and held the puppy up saying, "GUESS WHAT!!!!!? The puppies eyes are open!!!".
Who'd have ever thought that we would find such joy in seeing their little eyes begin to open, but we do. I'm sure things must look a little blurry to them but I have to tell you, when I held that puppy and looked into her eyes, my heart just melted.
I'm such a sap, but I can't help it.
Quickly after that they stopped scooting around by pushing with their back legs and began to test the waters...standing up on wobbly legs that made them look like drunken sailors. They'd tip to one side or the other, catch their balance, and then go PLOP! onto their chubby little tummies. Sometimes they'll waddle low to the grown, trying to figure out what these apendages really are for.
All of this is the precursor to the day when they will run free, at speeds that will astound you. Honest to goodness, I've clocked Thor trying to out run me as I'm driving down the long drive to the house. He easily does kidding! and that isn't even at full speed for him. He's always been like's a game to him...wanting to beat mama down the drive lol. I think it's adorable and I just can't help but let him win sometimes lol.
So today was moving day. Since they're starting to walk around, I put them in an Xpen with some straw to keep them secure. As soon as I put them in the straw, they literally 'hit the hay' and fell to sleep in their usual and customary pile. One little puppy did the 'perimeter check' for the rest of the group, waddling around the perimeter of their new pen until he found his siblings again.
This 3rd week will be an exciting week! Their eyes will continue to open, their waddling will turn into purposeful walking and they will begin to get better acquainted with each other...beginning to play, tumbling all around until they pass out once again.
Such is the life of a Kangal pup at 3 weeks. :)
Some puppies like to sleep on their side...and...
And some like their backs...
...And mama loves them all!
Is she not the most precious thing you've seen all day?
We've been baby sitting "Ben", who is one of the puppies from the Hediye/Maverick litter. He's now 4 months old and has fallen head over heels with Canan's puppies. He'll lay outside their Xpen and cry, wanting to be let inside with them. When we do open the gate, he rushes in to check out each and very puppy.
It's amazing to watch him navigate through the litter...he's careful as he steps, going around to each puppy, giving them kisses.
I keep sending his Mama emails over in France, telling her that Ben wants a wife.
She hasn't written me back since I shared that news.
OUCH! That's my nose!
The puppies are beginning to become more and more aware of their surroundings, going from focusing totally on Canan and nursing, to playing and interacting with each other.
I could sit there for hours and watch them. The really fun days are ahead as their little personalities begin to emerge in the next few weeks.
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