Country of Origin: Turkey
Group: Guardian Dogs (United Kennel Club).
Use today: Guardian, national dog of Turkey
Life Span: 12 to 15 years
Color: Cream to light tan to gray in a sable pattern with a black mask.
Coat: Short double coat, neither wavy nor fluffy.
Grooming: Brush weekly.
Height: 28 to 30 inches for females and 30 to 32 inches for males.
Weight: 90 to 110 pounds for females and 110 to 145 pounds for males.

Misty Acres Canan |
Safak |
Duman Dozer - (Very Good Hips) |
Ejder II - Best Young Dog at Kangal Festival in 2001 |
Ejder |
Seytan |
Ceylan |
Sisman's Duman I - Bred by Abhurrahmann Sisman in Kangal |
Filiz - Bred by Turhan Kangal. Owned by Ahmet Gokay in Kangal |
Ballak - Bred By Turhan Kangal |
Cali Filiz - Bred By Turhan Kangal. Owned by Ahmet Gokay in Kangal |
Filiz - Turkey (Very Good Hips) Bred by Turhan Kangal - Owned by Ahmet Gokay |
Balak - Bred by Turhan Kangal |
Aslan I |
Tarzan - The famous Tarzen from Mehmet in Kangal |
Sumbel |
Cali Filiz - Bred by Turhan Kangal. Owned by Ahmet Gokay in Kangal |
Kartal |
Filiz 1 |
CH Yasemin of Misty Acres |
Efe - Sivas, Turkey (FCI Rated Very Good Hips) |
Ucar - Sivas, Turkey |
Comar - Sivas, Turkey |
Kara - Sivas, Turkey |
Yaman - Sivas, Turkey |
Keles - Sivas, Turkey |
Yildiz - Sivas, Turkey |
Damla - Germany (FCI Rated Very Good Hips |
Kahraman - Sivas, Turkey |
Talip - Sivas, Turkey |
Duman - Sivas, Turkey |
Laika - Sivas, Turkey |
Boz - Sivas, Turkey |
Sirin - Sivas, Turkey |
Pedigree generated by
I don't know why, but yesterday it started to sink in that as we go into this fourth week we are 'cresting the bell curve'...from birth to 8 weeks when puppies start going to their new homes. Time just seems to seems like it was just last week when the puppies were born, and now we're already into their fourth week.
There is increased activity in the puppies, acclimating and becoming more aware of their surroundings. I just went over to their Xpen to let Canan out for a break. Most of the puppies were passed out, but there were a couple who were awake and sitting up. They sat there looking at me, beginning to get to know me, and as I've written before, over the next few weeks we will become more intimately acquainted as Canan hands the baton to me and begins to wean her pups. For now, she still nurses them exclusively but she's starting to want to take small breaks away, resting outside of the litter or spending some time outside. She's been an amazing mama to watch these past couple of weeks as they've crawled and explored over every inch of her body. Yesterday I watched as she lay on her side while the puppies nursed...there was one puppy who was full and wanted to toddle around. She walked over to Canan's head and began to crawl up on top of the side of her head as she lay there, not flinching or moving...totally at ease with her baby crawling all over her.
I took the puppies to the 'salon' yesterday to give all their nails a trim. It's amazing how fast their claws grow...I have to clip them every few days. The way they push and paw on Canan's tummy as they nurse just makes me cringe at the thought of them doing that with long sharp nails, so we keep them trimmed, protecting Canan. For the most part the puppies are comfortable and at ease with the 30 second 'salon treatment'...getting used to being handled by me. A couple of puppies, as they lay on my lap while I did their nails, started to fall asleep. It's at times like this where I could sit there for a long time and just marvel at the sleeping puppy. It doesn't matter whether it's a human baby or an animal baby...there's just something incredibly precious about 'babies'.
The puppies weigh about 5lbs now and over the next 4 weeks they'll really start growing. I'll be watching Canan and how she's nursing as the weaning process beings, supplementing the puppies with the foods they will eat over the next few weeks.
For now, they're all chubby puppies. I find myself being drawn to their faces these days. The newborn look has started to fade and what is emerging are some incredibly gorgeous Kangal puppy faces. While the puppies are well proportioned, there are times when I'll be amazed at how big and beautiful their heads are. It doesn't matter whether it's a female or a male, it's the same for both.
As I sit here writing this, I keep looking over to where the puppies lay, mostly on their sides, occasionally stretching as they sleep. I find myself wanting to end this right here and go over and pick up one of those puppies and let it sleep for a while in my lap.
And that's exactly what I'm going to do.
"You have got to be kidding're taking ANOTHER photo of me?"...
"Yes, *smile*"
"Forget it. It ain't gonna happen"
"It may LOOK like I'm down for the count but I will never give up!"...
"'s an emergency! I need more milk to get more muscles!!!!!"
Today was the day that we began to transition them from strictly mama's milk to more solid food...or should I say, a milky mushy food. It's amazing to watch the puppies go from knowing nothing but nursing to jumping right in to the food we prepared. They absolutely loved it and ate till their tummy's were full!
Once they had all finished eating, one little girl had to give Madison a puppy kiss of thanks!
Check out the Kangal puppy wave saying "Hi" to everyone who sees this picture!
What a ham! lol
" Ummmmmmmmmmm, excuse me...", he says to his sister and she climbs over him...
"Yes, I really do mind!" she climbs over him, oblivious to his protests...
Ooooooops...guess he showed her.
Full tummys, a few minutes of play and then it's time again to pass out and grow a little more.
Such is the life of a Kangal puppy.
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